Sunday, December 16, 2007
Movie Theatre Kino
Before the movie I usually like to engage in a pre-movie thumb wrestle....
Right before the first preview (as you see the lights dimming) I say "Oh, check it out (as if i am about to tell her something)... (grab her knee and face her, looking into her eyes about the time the "This preview has been approved for general audiences..." is going away) and then when you hear the first sound effect turn towards the screen, with your hand still on her leg.... then face her and say "Nevermind ill tell you later" ( pat her thigh and remove hand from leg and lean away in your chair) At the movies thats what I will do the first time im with someone.
Those 2 things raise her compliance threshhold for the rest of the interaction.
It is an extremely fast escalation, the thumb wrestling just introduces her to the fact that you'll be touching her, and the knee is sorta the same as touching her elbow, with the exception that its more intimate. If you want, instead of leaving your hand on her knee while you talk, you can sorta pat it like this, (Grab knee) Oh (release) check it (grab) out (release)... Today I saw(grab) this midget(release)..
That is also equally as effective or has been for me in raising the threshhold.After that it shouldnt be to hard to transition to hand holding or her leaning on you.
I usually dont put my arm around the girl unless several of things are met... 1) the theatre has the chairs that let you lift the armrest, 2) we are already hold hands, 3) she is leaning into me.You want her leaning into you. So when you do the rapid fire kino you lean away(takeaway), then as the preview starts to end i'll lean back and whisper something cliche like "That looks good", or "I want to see that.", "Sucks." Whatever it is you want to say.... Don't look at her while you do it.
Once that happens I just stay there, leaning to her a little bit, as the movie progresses I still make comments but I make them softer and I lean away more and more to where eventually she's leaning towards me. After I notice whether shes leaning my way or not I just grab her hand if she is, continue with the comments if shes not. As far as escalating after your holding her hand, I favor the matching your fingers up to hers and looking at your hands (creates an intimate connection), and the hand kiss.... (the hand kiss usually leads to a movie theatre kiss, then kiss session, then make out.... depending on the girl. You should know how to calibrate that though.Obviously a movie theatre is a REALLY bad place to try and escalate since you cant talk to 1) build comfort and 2) distract her from what youre actually doing. The story can be ANY DHV story that you currently have or an interesting opener, or as you have said you could always just have "forgotten". But usually what happens is I start my story like for instance.... "Oh check it out, today I saw the funniest thing, this midget....(trail off and watch preview)"It's best and more believable if you can get halfway or into the story before you stop... plus as you are telling this, its all happening when people are getting quiet to watch the movie so its perfect to lean in a little or quite a bit to talk into her ear while your hand is still on the knee. The story actually has an ending, and the ending is "This midget was, I guess in the process of, walking this massive beast that looked like a great dane, and appearantly (s)he lost the leash so (s)he was chasing this gigantic dog down the side of the road, have you ever seen a midget run? Oh dear... It kinda reminded me of you."HB: What? Why?PUA: Well the midget was (insert ethnicity of HB here). (Smile)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
New Level
Cause I buy whips on the regular.....
Push em' off push em' off me.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
RANT: If you ever....
Fuck them, fuck all you gold diggers, I hope ya'll burn in hell and on earth you cunts.
I raise a big fucking middle finger to all those fucking bitches, and to the guys that say the system is fair, YOU are fucking idiots.
Peace, love and death bitches.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Routine Stack
Once I figure out what needs to be in a stack.... I will begin.
FR: Temple of Poon
I was wit a pretty large group ya dig. See it was my boys bachelor party. So we roll in spot a table and proceed to oogle the females, and the fight that is on la tele. Everyone is drinking except me..... fucking hell. But that is cool. That just means thats ill remember the titties that were shoved in my face the previous night.
After being there for about 30 minutes the girlies start to come over and (if you have you legs crossed) push your leg down and sit on our laps.
It's funny because they go on rotation around the group until the think they get a bite.
I, however, seemed to be getting a different type, and group of girls on my lap. They girls would sit for what I would later verify to be around 30 minutes..... I never once paid them.
I tried to get them to leave, but they wouldn’t, and I don't know why. I told them how I admired their sales skills, and that I thought their girl friends running around were funny.
They always asked why I said that..... well.... for one... their sales skills are awesome. For instance, I observed a girl dancing on a guy.... giving him a regular lap dance, no happy ending. But every time she noticed another guy staring at them her dance would get more provocative, WHILE she continued to hold eye contact with the guy that she wasn’t dancing on that noticed her. Then without fail, she would walk AWAY, then walk past, and 90% of the time the guy that observed originally then became a customer.... fucking genius.
And as for the friends being funny….. they just are.
I told one stripper her ass was to big, but the rest her was bangin, but that if she wanted to hang with me she needed to sit on the arm rest, she proceeded to bounce up and down…. So I pinched her ass. Hard like too, in a non i-want-to-fuck-you kinda way too. Then I told her I admired the fact shes a strong independent woman, and I asked her how her boyfriends deal with her being a stripper cause most guys get jealous….. yadda yadda. As I am talking I pat the arm rest as if I am telling her to move over there. She complies, and I then tell her to skidattle, go make some money or her boss will be mad.
Both of these girls return later in the night. Neither actually hold me attention, nor interest me, so I don’t pursue passed the warm ups.
My girl (hbperkytits), damn she was hot. Tight body, and surprisingly no one went up there. I ended up catching her on the last side stage. I had been watching her out of my peripheral. I went up to the stage towards the end of the song as she was getting off stage. I grabbed her hand and said follow me. We headed to the VIP room. She took me to her favorite chair, and did the customary sit in your lap to build rapport, then she starts trying to dance….. I tell her not this song, cause it sucks, and she holds off, and sits in my lap some more. Blah blah blah, stories, blah blah blah. She gets up to dance, and then I get up to leave…. She asks where I’m going and I tell her I’m going back to my boys. Obviously, she’s pissed, and so she tells me I owe her for 3 songs, so it’ll be $90. I tell her I never received a dance, and that I just wanted some place quieter to talk to her, I wink. I leave and after she goes into the back for a little bit, I’m assuming to get de-sweaty, she immediately comes and sits in my lap. She tells me that I have some balls, and that if she wants she could have me thrown out. I am intrigued so I ask how.
She tells me that she was in there for 3 songs, blah blah blah….. I say yeah but you never danced, so I don’t owe you anything, smile and then smack the side of her leg side she is sitting in my lap now. I tell her she should skit and go make some money so that she doesn’t piss her boss off, yadda yadda…. She leaves.
Time spent with me so far: ~30 minutes
While she is still in the area, I grab the next girl I see and buy a dance from her. Hbperkytits is slighty in front of me, still in view and is giving a dance to a fellow there. While she is dancing on him she notices the girl dancing on me. She then climbs on his lap so that she can look over his shoulder un-obstructed at me. I smile at her and then a boob falls into my mouth as if it were magic. Praise Allah! And Halleluiah.
Surprisingly I didn’t have to do much to apparently invoke jealousy into the mix. Right as my girl finished she walked right over to me again and sat back in my lap.
Me: Missed me that much uh?
Her: Why did you have her dance on you I was right here?
Me: I don’t buy dances from girls that I’m into.
You: So you’re into me uh?
Me: yeah, it would prolly never work though
Her: Yeah Im a stripper, so youd be to controlling.
Me: yeauhh no. Make your money girl. If I had titties I would be a stripper too.
Her: So why wouldn’t we work?
Me: Cause we would fight too much over me wanting to have sex all the time, I mean don’t get me wrong, we would be ok for a little while but then my nymph side would kick in, and I don’t think you would be able to keep up.
Her: You don’t know me very well do you.
Me: Nope and I already have you naked and on top of me….. damn I’m good.
Her: I’ll be right back.
(All positive reactions, some fake from her sales training, and most real, I kept looking at her eyes, not her body, my hand was on her thigh…. Cause well… that was the most comfortable place for it.)
Total Time: 45 minutes
I go up to the stage a few more times, and get a semi decent stage dance. Can’t beat it for 2 bucks. I go sit down and HBperkytits comes by and grabs my hand…. Off to the VIP
We find a place, and sit there for a little while before she starts trying to dance. I tell her no, but she does it anyway. I tell her she’s clever for dancing so that way she can then have the upper hand and say she did dance. I call touché. She keeps dancing, nibbling my ear, kissing my neck, making out with me, sticking her hand down my pants, more making out, more fondling, I’m touching the cooter. She is of course all nude from the get go and is grinding on my leg. She dances for 2 songs, dry humps me for 6. We sit in there for another 20 minutes.
In case you’re keeping tabs, if you’re counting the songs then I am supposed to owe her
$330. If you are counting dances then I owe her, $240 dollars. The dances in VIP are $30 a piece.
As we are sitting there in the VIP though, we are talking and she laughs, and taunts me.
Her: haha I got you (she sticks her tongue out)
Me: Touche.
Her: Now you owe me.
Me: alrighy then, what do you want for breakfast?
Her: no you have to pay me
Me: (Smile) I know uh? How much do I owe you now?
Her: Give me $60.
Me: ok, miss naked girl on top of me….(she starts to kiss me) that is going to kiss me
Her: (Smile)
Her: You’re not married are you?
Me: Yes, and I have 3 kids.
Her: (Jaw drops)
Me: No actually, I’m not getting married ever.
Her: Why?
Me: Because no hot girls can ever cook…. :-/
Her: (Laugh)
She then asks me which pocket me phone is in, I say left, and then ask her if shes going to mug me, she laughs and reaches into my pocket gets my phone, puts her number in and calls her phone.
All in all I think I did ok, I know I should have done better, and I know a few things I could have improved. My first hired gun game. YAY!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
See when women are in the phase that they "don't know" what they want, it basically stems from a lack of being real. The way this world is now is completely different. Women grow up watching shows like "Sex in the City" and reading cosmo. So they become programmed to be fake. "Fake it til you make it", They are programmed to be social elitests.
There are 2 groups, the social elitests and nerds. Nerds are real but lack social understanding, Social elitests are most often fake but contain some real people (nerds that have become socially aware). The percentage is 85% fake to 15% real.
Being real means you understand truth. You understand that what you say is truth and you believe what you believe above all. Truth is confidence. And everyone, including men eventually, at some point come to understand and it clicks. Which is why a 30 year most often seems to have their afairs in order more so than a 20 something.
Thats the basic theory.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
For all inclusive purposes I intend to figure out what dumb fucked up things guys tell girls on a normal, regular basis.
So far I have had the profile for 15 minutes and 15 guys have already tried to hit on me. So it looks like as long as youre decent looking, at least from the females side, since I didnt put a super models pic up or anything, you'll get hits.
Number 1 so far is. "How are u doing?"
To which I respond.... "Im fucking bored."
So if youve gotten that response lately..... Youre gay and didnt know it.
Also there are alot of lonely GI's out there....that dont seem to be getting laid. I need to start a help the GI's get laid charity or something.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wisdom Teeth
Why do they call them wisdom teeth?
I just had all 4 of mine taken out. GLORY GLORY!!!
I will be unable to do much of anything for a little while.
If you will please excuse me whilst I go wipe saliva from my numb lip.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
FR: Just for fun
I originally went to this place because this guy had asked me about the basics of pick up. I don't think I have a big problem with the basics its just when it comes to the basics involving 9's and 10's, that's where I usually fall short. None the less he asked for pointers and I was going to try my damndest to give him some.
We decided to meet at X Bar, in Dallas. It was a Wednesday and it was relatively slow. I had started a mixed 6 set (5 males, 1 female) right before he got there. He called, I told him to come find me. I did this for 2 reasons, 1. if he couldnt identify me either he needs to read the groups more effiecently, or 2. I did damn well locking in. I think it was a combination of both.
We both order some drinks and then we go to the patio to talk and I want to try and get some more information about what he wants to try and accomplish. We start talking, he wants to get over AA. Thats easy. Next subject. Build attraction. I tell him, he doesnt really understand so I decide to show him. At this point the one girl from the previous 6 set comes out with one of the other guys. They were going to sit on the other side of the patio, I instrust her to come sit over here.
I tell him I am about to show him what I am talking about. HB6 and myself start talking I am ramping attraction she wants to kiss (hindsight is 20/20) I should have. She's looking for reasons to hold my hands. and get closer to me. I tell her shes trouble then move on the opposite side of the table with one of her other friends that had come out to our table.
And the guy that is supposed to be watching all of this gets up and leaves........
I had no intention of leaving with them, until he left....
I am talking to HB6's friend for like 3 minutes... she gets up and comes over and starts giving me a massage. Then grabs a chair and sits back next to me.
The sad part in this whole thing is that im not really attracted to her. She's cute and all, but it isnt like I would bend her over right there and give it to her. She asks me to come back to her place with her and her friends.
I agree.
We go back to her place. She drives. We get back to her place, and they pull out the gunja. I dont smoke, so I am just drinking. Big Red (OB) is my only competition.
Either this guy has had it so bad in his life that he has had to constantly cockblock everyone he has ever met, or he just knows no other way. Cause his game just isnt that good. I found out that I am not that great at destroying a cockblock.....
So alas that night I am cockblocked by Big Red. Damn.
Good news
Bad News
After I get my wisom teeth yanked out, I am going to get them whitened. YAY!
Wish me luck.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Life, Liberty...
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
The first thing one has to do is evaluate the life currently being lead, and compare that to the goal in mind. If the goal is no where near met then a lot of changes are probably going to be mandatory. If they are semi-close or around halfway there then few changes need be made, only tweaked. The way one evaluates their goals is simple. Create a list, of all the things desired on one side of a sheet of paper indicating what is necessary to obtain them, draw a line down the middle and on the opposite side list all the objectives currently met. For each objective, there will be a thing needed to accomplish it, and focusing on control in life means identifying your goals and cutting out the fluff around so that it does not interfere with meeting those goals.
“Without goals, and the plans to achieve them you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.” - Fitzhugh Dodson.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Taking a short break
Unfortantely since I have the inablity to juggle 5 things at once, I have to take a break in sarging for about 2 weeks. I have let my homework, workwork, and overall health go. I have no time to work out, or manage my business plans and they have started suffereing because of it. If anyone still has questions feel free to ask, just know that I may not be on point at this time.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Cosmo #2
Pg 130, There is a letter that was written in that says:
"I'm seeing this guy who doeasn't make any fun plans. A night with him consists of dinner and a movie or chilling on his sofa. I want him to make more of an effort, but we just started dating, and I don't want to chase him off. What do I do?"
The idea I had behind this one was: "Hey guys, ya'll seem like level headed and open minded people, let me ask you this, If a there is this guy that you really really like, Right? But the only problem is he is a homebody and doesnt go out much, How would you get him to be more exciting and get out some?"
Just a thought.
Seal of Approval
Sunday, July 15, 2007
The Constitution
Saturday, July 14, 2007
I read Cosmo...
Alright guys, we all know that Cosmo Mag has a wealth of information on possible threads that could be used when talking to woman. Well, for those of you too manly to pick up the mag (you pussies, haha), or those who are just too lazy who like to read things and will probably never get out of the house to actually use it, this is for you guys.
But mostly it’s for the guys who actually want to find different areas for discussion and thread ideas and will actually use it. As always, I’d love feedback, feel free to ask questions. So check me out daily for updates, I will try and post a new one every couple of days.
So without further a due… a topic I found while skimming through Cosmo, Issue, and page numbers included. None of this has been field tested, but serves just as things you can try out in field. If you have results using one of these feel absolutely free to post your results.
Vol. 243, No.2, August 2007
Pg. 64, This is an ad for Absolut Vodka, where it has a picture of a male and a female. The female is holding and glass of vodka, and the male is pregnant.
Caption read, “In an absolut world.” Insinuating in a perfect world men would carry the babies.
Here is the thread/opener/qualifier. This could also be a good way to screen.
“Hey, I saw this ad the other day. It was a picture of this guy and girl and the guy had this big stomach like he was pregnant. So naturally I was really intrigued right? The caption read, “In an absolut world.” Saying that in a perfect world men would carry the babies. Do women actually wish that men would carry the children?”
“Hey guys, do you think that most women who have had kids at some point wish that the man had to have carried the child instead of them?
“blah blah”
The reason I ask is….”mention the ad”
You should then be able to find out whether she has children from this point or not.

LR: Update
Alright. assuming you guys have read the above LR, I will continue this story as if you know the details.
HB8 and I were scheduled for a 7pm meeting to grab some alcohol and then head to the lake for a fun filled night of drunken lake sex.
Small hitch. Turns out HB8 has a boyfriend and they are currently in a fight. I do not hear from HB in a timely manner so I start to make other arrangements. I first text HB7. She responds with, "Hey what are you doing tomorrow?"
me: "I have work from 8-2:30 then i'll work out."
Her: "Do you want to do something tomorrow?"
me: "Depends, are you going to sleep with me again and not call? Cause that's just not nice." [i](the joke being is she got kicked out of her house, lost her charger, and broke up with her boyfriend, and her car broke down the same night and following day after we had had sex, so she had no phone until she charged hers)[/i]
Her:I wanted to but my phone was dead.
Me: I mean I don't think its too much to ask... I mean I cook and clean... and pleasure you... for what?
Her: I'll make it up to you I promise!
Me: You'd better, bitch or we are over! and I have the prenump. :D
Her: Why are you so mean to me?
Me:[i]ignore[/i] Hey better yet. What are you doing tonight?
Her: Something with you.
Me: K ill pick you up @ 7.
Her: Kk
Right after this I get a message from HB8. "Hey is HB7 coming with us?"
Me: Who is this?
Her: HB7 is coming over here, she is mine, not yours.
Me: Why would she want you, when I have the magic stick?
Her: No you don't .
Me: Sure you can come... I don't back out on my plans. That would be rude of me.
Her: K see you at 7
(Background....) In some of my previous texts with HB8, I told her that I wanted her to wear some lake relaxing clothes and just be laxed....
Fast Forward..... I pick them up.
(When I picked HB8 up... no make-up, some ... I-don't-know-what-to-think jeans and her hair was kinda disheveled.) She has now been downgraded 2 points HB8=Obstacle now.... off the charts only redeeming factor is her body. HB7 is as cute as usual.
Needless to say I am a little disappointed. but I still had HB7.
We go get alcohol, and keeping with my standard “shortest person behind me” rule for when people ride in my car, I make HB7 hop in behind me…. I proceed to go all the way back until she is cramped. She didn’t say a word. I went all the way back to my gangsta lean position and she didn’t say anything.
She’s mine whenever, from this point on. No if’s , and’s or but’s.
I “realize what happened, and say “Why didn’t you say something?”
Her: “I wanted you to be comfortable.”
I re-adjust my seat for her to get comfortable too. We go get a bottle of….. my favorite liquors Bacardi 151 and SoCo. With Monster, Rockstar and Coke mixers.
***Disclaimer*** The following action isn’t condoned by myself. You should never Drink and Drive. I'm a bad, bad person.
HB7 in the back starts mixing us the drinks. She starts on the coke and 151 gives the Obstacle the Monster and 151, and I take a shot of SoCo, and then take the rockstar and 151.
By the time we get to the lake they are getting fucking stupid ass drunk…… at this point I take the juice bottle from them. They consumed a quarter bottle of 151 by them selves apiece. Obstacle and HB7 then have to go to the restroom. They go…. I already know we aren’t going swimming…. Neither can walk straight, and OB can barely stand. I am not going to have a drowning victim on my record.
We stay at the lake…. OB on my left arm… HB7 on my right. OB bites my neck… they fight over me, then we decide on a threesome. OB starts kissing me.
She kisses like shit. Kinda like fish breathing. No tongue, mouth is dry. I stop it. HB7 gets pissed. Calls a “friend” to come get her, (the friend is the guy she is trying to hook up with boyfriend wise.) He comes to the lake… I ask how he knows HB7 and OB. He proudly announces he is “talking” to HB7. The girls are off by their lonesome…. And I want to have some fun.
Me: So how does HB7 kiss?
Him: She’s alright… I’m gonna have to show her how to do it.
Me: Oh no shit? Haha, is she at least good in the sack?
Him: I don’t know bout that yet… I’ll find out tonight.
Me: well shit man… have fun. I know I did.
Him: What?
Me: haha just fucking with you… I’m going after OB.
Him: haha I was about to say.
Me: Well shit man lets go get our drunk women….
We grab them… He is trying to kiss HB7 … she is resisting. OB passes straight the fuck out in my arms…. Standing up, mind you.
We get her to throw up, then load her in the car and take her his house. HB7 and myself take her into the bathroom undress her and put her in the tub…. HB7 uses this time to keep him away from her long enough to kiss me a little while we are “babysitting”.
HB7 bathes the OB…. Which is hot…. Even though she was passed out.
Mean while…. HB7’s ex hears about what happened, and shows up to her “new guy’s” house. They dance around each other still questing after HB7, saying real AFC things like “is she going to be ok?” (The reason it’s AFC in my book is because they aren’t taking control of the situation) ( I had previously called my cousin, who’s girlfriend is a nurse who told me what to do, I would have been the first to hall ass to the hospital if anything would have been wrong)
Me: As long as we keep her head tilted forward and not back she’ll be ok ….. shes just drunk, her pulse is around 80 bpm, and she doesn’t have a fever.
Them: (in unison) Oh ok, (head nods)
We get her dressed again and go outside. With the alchy in tow. Load her into my car while the two guys are bs’ing each other, and then go grab a hotel. HB7 rides with her new boyfriend prospect, and the ex goes home disappointed, with blue balls. Poor bastard. OB in my car.
Get the hotel room, negotiating with the clerk….the fucker tried to charge me $75 for half of a night……. Ok normally I would say that $75 a night for a hotel room wasn’t bad. But I KNEW this one was regularly $45 a night. Not $75 because I used to take my ex there for a no strings barred sex filled night with lots of fun and no worries clean up. (I know… not cool…. I know a few people who work in the hotel industry…. So if ya’ll could just forget that last part that would be great.)
I tell him straight up “Bullshit”. “They don’t pay you enough, here or something?”
Clerk: “Excuse me?”
Me: Man I can go to the Comfort Inn for $55, and they’re not only cleaner but the are newer too. I came here because I used to come here all the time and I know ya’ll only charge $45 a night. So don’t bullshit me.
Clerk: You’re right. Let me take care of this for you. Your room is xxx.
Me: Thanks man. We’ll just keep all this on the DL…. Make your money man.
Ok Seeing as this is 4 pages now. I will wrap it up quickly.
OB is now walking again on her own accord but is really sleepy and I “take” the bed with her since I know the other guy is going to leave soon.
HB7 and the guy have some fun. (I later found out she didn’t sleep with him)
I have problems sleeping next to a girl all cuddly like because I get to hot and want to kick her off the bed, so the fact that OB keeps scooting up to me is kinda aggravating.
The guy leaves, and I hop bed’s. HB7 is playing on her phone, its making all sorts of noises and I seriously just wanted to go to sleep at this point. I say “It’s 3 am…. Go to fucking bed already.” She says she sorry and then snuggles up to me. I push her off the bed. “I’m hot”. I say.
Her: I know you are.
Me: I’m tired.
Her: I’m awake and horny.
Me: Well I’m sleepy, so go get in bed with OB and handle your bidness
Her: Good night
Me: Night.
The next morning I wake up to morning wake up head from HB7 with the OB sound asleep.
God bless her little heart.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Phone/IM/Text Game
- Dont rush to respond. Alot of guys (especially if its a fclose prospect) will be over eager to respond and carry on this conversation. The girl WILL pick up on this.
- DO insert pauses in your conversation (like if she replies, and you could respond right now, just wait like 15-30 minutes before you do). The reason you want to do this is because most likely she will be driving around and doing other things, and so 1) it will create what I like to call a "false false time bridge" , You arent actually with her but as she is doing the things she normally does throughout the day you will be more on her mind likewise creating the deeper connection. and 2) it shows that you are a busy person and you aren't just waiting for her responses. Lame!
- Dont apologize for not getting back to her quicker.... (I have heard and seen alot of people do this.) two words for you....... "You pussy".
- DO try and spell things out.... unless shes the annoying type who does the "abbrv txt type crp." If she is doing that, then you are permitted to follow .... however chances are she can't spell... so if you're not looking for brains... GameOn!
Those are just a few... Feel free to ask me questions.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Possible new class
I am in the process of setting up a class seminar with Dallas PUA that would be over Pick Up Basics. Keep checking the boards for updates It will be a 3 day event spanning 3 weeks with a 2 hour meeting a week. So Three (2)Hour long seminars over the course of 3 weeks, (1)meeting a week.
LR:Lady in the Water
Alright.... fast foward a year. I am out of my LTR and so is she. We finally start talking again. I will dub her hb7 from this point.... sometimes a HB8 depending on when she's all dolled up. We have been texting back and forth with not to much to say, hit or miss, I say im doing this, she says she cant make it, then she says she's doing this, I say I cant make it... until finally tonight.
I meet up with HB7 and her friend HB8. HB8 has a killer body, sexy hips with the low cut jeans, (yummy), but not my target. We all get out of the car, and she introduces me to HB8, I shake her hand and she starts giving me the eyes.... not the puppy dog bowl eyes.... but like 4 steps above them. We hold each others gaze for a while, and then we pile into my car.
Right before I met them a friend of mine had called, We'll call her the Pivot. The Pivot is one of the girls that I actually go out with on a regular basis. Pivot called and said she wanted to meet up. I told her cool, but I was meeting to others as well. She was down so we all met. We all had decided to go play some pool.
Well... if anyone has ever been to this place I like to call Bum fucked egypt, then they know that there is very LITTLE to do down here. So after I make a right at the second pyramid, we pull up to the place that serves drinks and allows its patrons to play pool. We order some drinks and start playing. Seeing as I am the only fucker in there with teeth, and three women, I start getting stares from rednecks 2 and 3. Mind you, I am completely sober at this point.... not where I would like to be, and with 3 women, 1 of which I would like nothing more than to bend over to pool table and have at it. But I restrain.
I don't flirt with HB8 at all.... well I lie. Maybe a little. But only enough to peak me targets BT. I do some innocent little flirting with the pool stick (like when she shoots I push the stick from behind, or tickle her, or push the knee that is locked and cause her to kinda fall down a little woth HB7) I sort of ignore HB8 and with very lite... I repeat very lite pepper negs to throw HB7 off. In between shooting, HB8 starts texting, I proceed to tell her its not nice to have conversations with others unless I of course get to have a conversation with her, via text.
I give her my number and she texts me. I tell HB8 a various array of things, iuncluding (Now that you have my number youre not going to call me like a billion times a day are you? Cause if you do, there'll be consequences)
We continue to have a conversation throught the game and night(and as I write this at 2:42a).
HB8 says she has to go so HB7 must leave. And since they rode with me.... I have to leave too. No problem. I number closed HB8 already with the text messages and as she was leaving she told me to call her tomorrow.... which I probably will(you'll see why in a little bit...... hold your horses).
After I leave, and drop them off Pivot, says "Lets go get some beer, im driving." Im loving that idea so we go. 10 minutes later HB7 says she hated to leave us so soon and that she wants to hang out again.... I tell her "The nights still young, and you are relatively young so come back out." She agrees, but has to pick up 2 more friends in the process.
On our way back from getting beer, Pivot and I down 9 out of 12 from a 12 pack.... She beat me.... 5 to 4... Im so embarrassed, HB7 says she is on her way to meet us... Pivot gets a booty call and decides to bail. So, since we are in her car... she drops me off(no hard feelings) and she jets.
As I am walking to my car(which is parked at, of all places, Whataburger) HB7 and her 2 friends, HBBabyFat and HBPowerlifter pull up. HBPowerLifter is a solid 9 and HBBabyFat is the one you want to pinch her cheeks..... So I did...She put her hand out to shake hands when we were introduced.... and I pinched her cheeks. She laughed then gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Conversation... yadda yadda.... Idea.... It's 11:30 and the beer store is still open.
**Side note** While all of this is going on I am still having a text conversation with original HB8 .... and a phone convo with WF, (WF I promise I will finish what I was telling you man.... just call me tomorrow because I'm going to be really freaking tired) While all of this was happening, I was qualifying HB8, she wears boycut undies, and likes it rough... she likes her ass smacked, and hair pulled. She likes to be thrown up against the wall, and likes having sex in naughty places(whata kawinky-dink.... so do I). Not only that... she was telling me what she would do to me if I would come over..... (i had to decline as i was working on HB7 and a sticking point mind you). We played phone truth or dare... I used the "show me your titties" line (thank you so very much dubya, that works so very well) 5 minutes later.... I get a tittie shot. Very nice.... I cant wait to suck on them. She tells me she has been looking for commitment...I tell her I can do all but... she agrees... and we set up a day 2, to go to the lake) I'll post a FR about that later afterwards once it happens.
Back to the main story.... HBPowerLifter HBBabyFat and HB7 and I all pile into HB7's car... which sounds like it is going to fall apart....:-/ and then head to the beer store.....they buy it, and start drinking. I bring up going swimming.... they want to but dont know where to go... I point them in the direction of the lake. Off we go. HB7 starts texting me. Tell me about her BF and all the BS he is doing yadda yadda.... I ignore most of it.. and plow through.
We get to the lake. HB7 and I start ripping our clothes off... HB7 has a thong on..."Very Nice" I comment. HB PowerLifter and HB Babyfat decide to stay dry..... Scene is set. HB7 and I make it into the 72 degree water... It is cold... My nipples can cut glass.... her nipples almost cut me. We come together to keep our bodies warm.... immediately we start kissing. I push her away .... she swims back to me.
Push, pull, push, pull.
Starts making out more..... and voila.....
I am not going to continue, because other than that, it is a basic lay, except we did it in the water in front of her friends.... which it was also dark, so I dont know how much they saw if anything. I may have to deal with a little Buyers remorse.... so I'll update you on that. I know there are alot of typos... but I'm lazy and almost drunk, so I probably wont fix them... But maybe I will.... duhn duhn DUHN!
As I am now sober, I am remembering a few more details that I didn't write about. After HB7 and I got done swimming we all got in the car to leave... well... HBPowerLifter started driving througha freaking mud hole.... "Gawd I swear... all brawn and no brains" I say. She punches me.... I grimace but laugh. (It hurt so screw all ya'll, haha). We almost get stuck, so thats when I tell all the ladies that if we get stuck then they can get out to help push.... and ill be the wheelman.... they laugh and HBBabyfat punshes me.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
10 Things
#10 Life is sexually transmitted.
#9 Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die
#8 Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.
#7 Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks.
#6 Some people are like a slinky... not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.
#5 Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospital dying of nothing
#4 All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
#3 Why does a slight tax increase cost you two hundred dollars, and a substantial tax cut saves you thirty cents???
#2 In the 60's, people took LSD to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.AND
# 1: We know exactly where one cow with mad-cow-disease is located among the millions and millions of cows in America, but we haven't a clue as to where thousands of illegal immigrants and terrorists are located. Maybe we should put the Department of Agriculture in charge of immigration.
An Observation
So I guess something needs to change uh?