Tuesday, August 28, 2007

FR: Just for fun

Well, this has been a while back yet, I just never wrote about it.

I originally went to this place because this guy had asked me about the basics of pick up. I don't think I have a big problem with the basics its just when it comes to the basics involving 9's and 10's, that's where I usually fall short. None the less he asked for pointers and I was going to try my damndest to give him some.

We decided to meet at X Bar, in Dallas. It was a Wednesday and it was relatively slow. I had started a mixed 6 set (5 males, 1 female) right before he got there. He called, I told him to come find me. I did this for 2 reasons, 1. if he couldnt identify me either he needs to read the groups more effiecently, or 2. I did damn well locking in. I think it was a combination of both.

We both order some drinks and then we go to the patio to talk and I want to try and get some more information about what he wants to try and accomplish. We start talking, he wants to get over AA. Thats easy. Next subject. Build attraction. I tell him, he doesnt really understand so I decide to show him. At this point the one girl from the previous 6 set comes out with one of the other guys. They were going to sit on the other side of the patio, I instrust her to come sit over here.

I tell him I am about to show him what I am talking about. HB6 and myself start talking I am ramping attraction she wants to kiss (hindsight is 20/20) I should have. She's looking for reasons to hold my hands. and get closer to me. I tell her shes trouble then move on the opposite side of the table with one of her other friends that had come out to our table.

And the guy that is supposed to be watching all of this gets up and leaves........

I had no intention of leaving with them, until he left....

I am talking to HB6's friend for like 3 minutes... she gets up and comes over and starts giving me a massage. Then grabs a chair and sits back next to me.

The sad part in this whole thing is that im not really attracted to her. She's cute and all, but it isnt like I would bend her over right there and give it to her. She asks me to come back to her place with her and her friends.

I agree.

We go back to her place. She drives. We get back to her place, and they pull out the gunja. I dont smoke, so I am just drinking. Big Red (OB) is my only competition.

Either this guy has had it so bad in his life that he has had to constantly cockblock everyone he has ever met, or he just knows no other way. Cause his game just isnt that good. I found out that I am not that great at destroying a cockblock.....

So alas that night I am cockblocked by Big Red. Damn.

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