Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Alright in my every growing quest to figure out the downfall of man, I recently created a "woman profile" on a popular dating site.

For all inclusive purposes I intend to figure out what dumb fucked up things guys tell girls on a normal, regular basis.

So far I have had the profile for 15 minutes and 15 guys have already tried to hit on me. So it looks like as long as youre decent looking, at least from the females side, since I didnt put a super models pic up or anything, you'll get hits.

Number 1 so far is. "How are u doing?"

To which I respond.... "Im fucking bored."

So if youve gotten that response lately..... Youre gay and didnt know it.

Also there are alot of lonely GI's out there....that dont seem to be getting laid. I need to start a help the GI's get laid charity or something.

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