Friday, July 13, 2007

Phone/IM/Text Game

I was asked recently about the game I use on the phone, text, or IM. And to tell you the truth it is alomst identical to playing the actual game. But lets start with some tips.

- Dont rush to respond. Alot of guys (especially if its a fclose prospect) will be over eager to respond and carry on this conversation. The girl WILL pick up on this.

- DO insert pauses in your conversation (like if she replies, and you could respond right now, just wait like 15-30 minutes before you do). The reason you want to do this is because most likely she will be driving around and doing other things, and so 1) it will create what I like to call a "false false time bridge" , You arent actually with her but as she is doing the things she normally does throughout the day you will be more on her mind likewise creating the deeper connection. and 2) it shows that you are a busy person and you aren't just waiting for her responses. Lame!

- Dont apologize for not getting back to her quicker.... (I have heard and seen alot of people do this.) two words for you....... "You pussy".

- DO try and spell things out.... unless shes the annoying type who does the "abbrv txt type crp." If she is doing that, then you are permitted to follow .... however chances are she can't spell... so if you're not looking for brains... GameOn!

Those are just a few... Feel free to ask me questions.

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